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Captura de Pantalla 2023-04-05 a la(s) 16.13.22.png

Day 3 is here!

Sustainability Across Businesses and Industries 

 We wrap up the event on the third day, which is dedicated to the business world and its schemes in order to contribute to a brighter future on a local and global scale. Learn more about sustainability through a business lens in the workshop hosted by Count Enegery on Sustainability as an opportunity for business or Arther Ten Wolde's discussion on Mainstream circular economy. As consumer needs are transitioning towards sustainable products and services, businesses must adapt promptly. Green financing and green transitioning will be some of the topics of discussion, among others, to cultivate a green generation of new businesses and to accelerate circular economic development. Special events such as the upcycling workshop, cooking worship, gardening session, and more! This day will also focus on sustainability in supply chains as we explore how to achieve sustainability in the use of raw materials and production processes.

Event Schedule

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